bye @viddler – ez a busz elment

Nagyjából 7 éve még a Viddler volt számomra az etalon videomegosztó oldal. Minden videót oda töltöttem fel. Még össze is hasonlítottam a YouTube és a Viddler minőségét, ami 2007-ben még egyértelműen a Viddler javára dölt el.

Sőt a MealToday versenyen Bori etetése végül a második helyen végzett.

Most azonban a SPAM mappában találtam rá az alábbi levélre:

Hi Viddlers,

In 2006, Viddler’s founding business model was based on the creation of a community site for video enthusiasts and personal sharing. At the time, our business revenue model was driven through advertising. As a Viddler community user, you were a part of this model. As time has passed Viddler is no longer able to support this offering and business model.

Therefore we’ve made the decision to close our free site and community effective March 11th, 2014.

Team Viddler now dedicates 100% of our collective effort on the delivery of secure, interactive video solutions. We back our offering with a passionate, personal professional services and client support team and every day we strive to be the best in the industry.

We invite you to upgrade to a paid account.

We have created an affordable basic account expressly for our long-time Viddler users.

If you chose not to subscribe to Viddler’s service, please be sure to download a copy of your videos on a personal drive so that you don’t lose access to them. While we are sad to see you go, we would be even sadder if you lost your videos.

To Download your videos from Viddler:
1. Log into your Viddler Account.
2. Click Videos.
3. On the video you would like to download, click edit.
4. Click Manage.
5. Choose your download file format.

The future is an exciting place for online video. We’re extremely grateful to you for being a part of Viddler’s success. We hope that you’ll join us as we continue to change the face of enterprise solutions.


Team Viddler

Magyarul részemről a Viddler bezárt. Vége. Ha valahova fizetek, akkor az a Vimeo lenne. Kiváncsi vagyok mi lesz így ebből a szolgáltatásból. A SugarSync-től hasonló okokból már búcsút vettem.

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