Tag: education
“Effective learning is interactive, not passive.”
You can find this quote at brilliant.org. An addictive website with great ideas and daily tasks. The photo is from last year’s Telenor Smartphone Academy, where I talked about using smartphones in education. Don’t forget this quote over the next school year.
This will revolutionize Education
As you already know after watching the video above, that learning with words and pictures together can be more effective. So I added some quotes from the video to help you learn these. 🙂 Why do we need teachers? Well if you think, that the fundamental job of a teacher is to transfer information from…
education vs innovation
Slides of the presentation I did today at BKF. Educacion vs and innovation. Let’s use technology in education. Let’s use it the right way. Technology itself can’t change the way we teach. Teachers can change the education. We need innovative teachers, who become guides for the students in the jungle of technology.
History of education
I found this great infographic on the Boundless blog. The history of the education in the US from the beginning. The infographic has a section showing education in the next 20 years. This last section is very optimistic about using technology in education. I still think that technology can’t replace handwriting, black/white boards completely. Technology…
Sir Ken Robinson
Sir Ken Robinson az az ember, akit öröm hallgatni, ha beszél. És folyamatban, hogy elolvassam könyveit is. Ken Robinson állandó témája az oktatás, az oktatás reformja. Megpróbál rámutatni arra, hogy az oktatás jelen formájában, állapotában kevés, nem működik jól, változásra van szükség. Mindezt határtalan optimizmussal, elképesztően jó humorral tálalja. A két híres TED beszéd itt…