újabb mail a vpn szolgáltatómtól

Többször (1, 2) megemlékeztem már nagy megelégedéssel a privateinternetaccess nevű vpn szolgáltatóról, akiknél elő vagyok fizetve egy évre. Már egyszer írtak levelet (nem halmoznak el marketing tárgyú levelekkel), s most megint kaptam egyet tőlük.

A lent olvasható levél lényege:

  • készítettek egy alkalmazást Win és Mac rendszerekhez, hogy könnyebb legyen csatlakozni, kezelni a VPN kapcsolatokat.
  • beállítottak egy csomó új gatewayt, vagyis csatlakozhatok több amerikai városon keresztül az Internethez, de akár Romániát vagy Hollandiát is választhatom. A különböző végpontok közti váltást akkor és úgy rendezem, ahogy nekem jól esik (ez sok más szolgáltatónál külön díjfizetés ellenében lehetséges csak)

Az persze csak hab a tortán, hogy támogatnak mindenféle platformot Androidtól iOS-en át a desktop operációs rendszerekig.

És akkor a fent említett levél:

To our loyal and beloved customers,

– New Private Internet Access Application (Windows/Mac OS X)
– New Gateways
– Gateway Changes and new IPs (Please see)
– Remote Port Forwarding Coming Soon

Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts, for choosing Private Internet Access as your VPN service provider. We take serious pride in providing the best in-class privacy and best in-class anonymity to our clients. We would like to take a brief moment to announce major upgrades that took place over the course of the past month which many of you may have already been aware, as well as new changes that are taking place shortly which many of you have been asking for up until now.

Private Internet Access Application
We have launched a one-click Private Internet Access application for Windows XP, Vista and 7+ as well as Mac OS X 10.6.3, 10.7.2 and 10.8+ which allows you to connect very easily to the VPN. It also provides a plethora of options including, but not limited to:
1. Connect on Startup
2. Auto open on Startup
3. Change protocols easily
4. Change gateways easily
5. Change ports easily

The application operates on top of the OpenVPN protocol assuring the highest level of security to our users while providing the absolute easiest VPN usage. We’ve just released a new version so if you haven’t tried our application yet or haven’t installed it within the last week please download the latest release below. We urge you to experience our application for the absolute best VPN experience.

You can download the apps here:
Windows – https://www.privateinternetaccess.com/x/installer/download_installer_win
Mac OS X – https://www.privateinternetaccess.com/x/installer/download_installer_osx

New Gateways
We have launched several new gateways and made significant upgrades to our existing network architecture. We currently have 21,000Mbps of bandwidth on our network and an additional 3,000Mbps of additional redundancy available in North America, bringing our network to a true total of 24,000Mbps (and actually no limit since we can quickly expand to 100,000Mbps+ if needed). Some new gateways we have launched recently:
1. Jacksonville, Florida US (1000Mbps)
2. San Jose, California US (1000Mbps)
3. Austin, Texas US (1000Mbps)
4. Southampton, UK EU (1000Mbps)
5. Bucharest, RO EU (1000Mbps)

New Upgrades
In an effort to provide the absolute most premium VPN service to our beloved users, we have moved our Canadian, Midwestern, and Northeastern gateways to newer facilities and, in addition, provided better transit routes to said gateways. Please take note of our new locations:
* Canada (ca.privateinternetaccess.com has address
* Midwest (us-midwest.privateinternetaccess.com has address
* Northeast (us-east.privateinternetaccess.com has address

In addition, our Netherlands gateway has been upgraded to 10,000Mbps. This is 100 times faster than 100Mbps and 10 times faster than 1000Mbps. I caught one of our network administrators drooling when we made this upgrade.

Ask and Ye Shall Receive
Many of you have expressed desire for Remote Port Forwarding availability to use with your favorite applications, and we listened! Remote Port Forwarding is coming soon to Private Internet Access. Please follow us on Twitter at http://twitter.com/buyvpnservice (@buyvpnservice) as our RPF announcement will be made here. You can also follow us on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/pages/Private-Internet-Access/192711594106057

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